General Rules

Hours of the cemetery: (sunrise to sunset).
Any person or persons found in the cemetery outside of the proper hours will be considered and prosecuted as a trespasser or trespassers.
The abuse of monuments, markers, graves or cemetery appurtenances whether intentional or otherwise, the removal of flowers or any other cemetery equipment will be considered a misdemeanor and so treated.
Persons entering the cemetery will be held fully responsible for any damage to the cemetery properties.
The driver of any vehicle or other conveyance will be held responsible for any damage he/she may do whether intentional or otherwise.  Speed limit is 15 miles per hour.
Profane or boisterous language will not be allowed and loiterers will not be tolerated in the cemetery.
Children must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for their conduct in the cemetery.
Dogs, cats or any other animals are not allowed on cemetery grounds unless they are on a leash and under the control of their owners.
Persons in charge of heavy loads entering the cemetery grounds will be held responsible for the protection of the roads and grass lawns and for full damages caused.
The cemetery, although under township jurisdiction will not be considered as public land in the sense that it is common property and subject to the whims of the public, but is to be considered as holy ground dedicated to the peace and repose of the departed and subject to the consideration and respect of all who visit or own lots in the cemetery.
With such purpose in mind, the supervisor, or family service representative may establish temporary rules whenever in their judgment the best interest and safety of the cemetery demands it, and may cause to be ejected or arrested any person or persons whom they may deem undesirable or dangerous to the peace and repose of the cemetery.

St. John Catholic Cemetery has no interest in any funeral director, monument dealer or other merchants having business in the cemetery, but endeavors to cooperate with all for the best interests of the cemetery and the lot owners.



Experience shows that the selection of a cemetery location at the time of immediate need often proves unsatisfactory because the decision was hastily made.  A matter of such importance as this deserves investigation, reverent and careful deciphering, and an opportunity to make correctly, the necessary financial arrangements.
Buying cemetery property before the hour of need avoids financial embarrassment and needless worry.  It makes lighter the burden of sorrow to know that your loved ones are resting in St. John Catholic Cemetery.
Lots, memorials, interment fees, and vaults can be purchased before they are needed by making an appointment with the cemetery’s office.  The entire staff of St. John Catholic Cemetery is ready to help whenever needed.  We will gladly answer all questions and inquiries.